Official Zera Shimshon Site

Parshat Ki Tisa

"And your eyes will see children and grandchildren like the offshoots of an olive tree around your tables, wise and understanding, with homes filled with all good things... wealth and honor..."

Le Rav Michel Baruch | Zéra Chimchon Méguilat Esther

Lettre ‘א’-ג (Page: תקי”א-תקי”ד)

Lettre ‘ד’-ה (Page: תקי”ד-תקי”ח)

Lettre ‘ו’-ז (Page: תקי”ח-תקכ”א)

Lettre ‘ח’-י (Page: תקכ”א-תקכ”ה)

Lettre יא (Page: תקכ”ה-תקכ”ח)

Lettre יב (Page: תקכ”ח-תקכ”ט)

Lettre יג (Page: תקכ”ט-תקל”ב)

Lettre יד (Page: תקל”ב-תקל”ה)

Lettre טו (Page: תקל”ה-תקל”ח)

Table de Chabbat avec Zéra Chimchon | Parachat Mikets – ‘Hanouka (Hé)

Nouvelle Section | Dvar Torah pour Sabbath Incluant les pages du livre Zéra Chimchon.
‘Hanouka – Parachat Mikets lettre ‘א (page: שפז).

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