Official Zera Shimshon Site

Parshat Ki Tisa

"And your eyes will see children and grandchildren like the offshoots of an olive tree around your tables, wise and understanding, with homes filled with all good things... wealth and honor..."

Weekly Gilyan | Zera Shimshon Parshat Toldot


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Rabbi Eliyahu Amar | Zera Shimshon Parshat Toldot (Heb)

Shiurei Torah in Zera Shimshon every Thursday,
Via Live Stream from Beit Ha-Knesset Eliyahu Hanavi (Rabbi Uziel 42, Bnei Brak).
Brought By: Rabbi Eliyahu Amar Senior Rabbi in Hidabroot.

Archive Suggestions: To View Previous Rabbi Eliyahu Amar Shiurei Torah in Zera Shimshon –  Parshat Toldot

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